Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Girl That Eats

I love to eat. With Italian and Puerto Rican blood in me, I am genetically predisposed to indulge. Binge. Whatever. In fact, I love to eat so much that I'm willing to ignore my many dietary restrictions (lactose intolerance, for example) for a decadent Creme Brulee or Tres Leches(Seriously? 3 milks? Who do I think I am?).

Living in Chicago affords me the incredible opportunity to experience some of the finest culinary stylings this country has to offer. Scouting Chicago's restaurant scene helps me to survive the brutual winters, unbearable traffic and annoying tourists who attempt to navigate the "grid".

Needless to say, I eat out a LOT. Some time ago, I put together a very extensive list of nearly 100 restaurants- some that I'm eager to try for the first time and some that I'm dying to visit again. From divey to dignified, burger to bouillabaisse (Okay, not really...I'm allergic to fish), this is an chance to explore some of the best (and worst) Chicago's restaurant scene has to offer.

Buon Appetito!

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